Professional Services


Christine Earle

“As a mortgage agent, I focus solely on helping people find the best possible mortgage solutions at no cost to them. Whether you are looking for a simple solution for unique needs, or an aggressive rate, I can help!”

(613) 277-6633

Kyle Miller

“With 15 years in the field of Customer Service, Direct Sales and most recently the Financial Services Sector – my motto remains the same – If I help people get what they are looking for, then I will have achieved my goal. “

613-798-8080 ext 4


Ken Hoyt Law

“My name is Ken Hoyt. After completing my law degree at Queen’s University in 1984, I moved to Ottawa to complete my articles and establish my law practice. Called to the bar in 1986, my practice consists mainly of residential real estate, wills and estates.

My office is conveniently located at 157 Gilmour Street, Ottawa, Ontario (just east of Elgin Street). There is metered parking on Gilmour Street.”

I can be reached at the following numbers if you have any questions.
Work: (613) 231-2995 Ext. 22
Fax: (613) 231-1121

Farber Robillard Leith LLP

“Located in the heart of Westboro at 330 Churchill Avenue, Farber Robillard Leith LLP is a long standing legal office that practices primarily in the areas of residential and commercial real estate, corporate law, wills and estates. We also offer notary and commissioner of oaths services. For more information concerning our legal services, please do not hesitate to visit our website at or call us at (613) 722-9418 and speak with Izzy, John, David or Sarah. Nous offrons aussi nos services juridiques en francais.”

330 Churchill Avenue North
Ottawa , ON, K1Z 5B9
Phone: 613.722.9418
Fax: 613.722.5981


“Come Home to Peace of Mind. Your home is likely to be the largest single investment you ever make.

Buying or selling, have confidence knowing your home has been inspected by a qualified, professional home inspector.”

684A Bronson Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1S 4E9
Phone: 613.234.3000

Steve Ott

“OVHI Ltd. is a company that wants what’s best for our customers. Customer satisfaction is our number 1 goal.

We work through out the Ottawa Carleton area and valley as well as the Outaouais region.

Our services:

Home Inspections
Wett Inspections
Septic System Inspections


Home Services, Staging & Decorating